Love from Grandpa

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Happy birthday great-grandpa

Hi, I've been playing with my Dad. That's him in the picture. Yeah, I know he doesn't look like a Dad but that photo was taken back when he was a kid.

I wanted a nice photo to use of him because it is his birthday on Wednesday, May 10. He didn't look very happy though. So, I gave him a party hat. I gave him rosy cheeks too. He still didn't look happy because he wasn't smiling. So I made him smile.

He should be happy because he is celebrating a very special birthday. Well, he's not, because he died 31 years ago, back when Melanie was a little girl and before David and Linda were born. But if he was alive he would be 100 years old.

That's my Dad and he would be your great-grandpa. So, on Wednesday I want you to have a big cake with 100 candles and when you blow them out you can say, 'Happy birthday great-grandpa'.

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