Love from Grandpa

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Rich Grandpa

Before I left Thailand, I took some money out of the bank and brought it with me to spend on my travels. In Thailand the money is called baht. If you have an Australian dollar and change it into Thai baht you get about 28 baht or maybe not so much now.

The money was in Thai notes each worth 1,000 baht. (Can you work out how many dollars that is worth?)

When I am in another country I go to the money changer and change my Thai baht for the local money. When I am in Cambodia, I get 130,000 reil for 1,000 baht. Now I am in Laos. Today I went to the money changer with 3,000 baht. I got 780,000 kip. (You can see it all in the picture.) I had another 1,000 baht in my pocket. If I had changed it I would have got over one million kip. I would have been a millionaire.

But unfortunately all that money doesn't buy so much. When I buy my lunch it costs me about 15,000 kip or more. I don't think my million kip will last for a long time.

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