Love from Grandpa

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pet lizards

Hello, I live in a new house now. I got some pets that came with the house. Here is one of them.

'Hello,' I said.

'Gecko,' it answered.

'What's your name?' I asked.


My Cambodian friends say, 'No, it's not saying "gecko". It's saying "tokay".'

'Well, it sounds like "gecko" to me. So I'm going to call it "Gecko".'

'What do you eat?' I asked.

A mosquito flew past. Gecko didn't answer. Gecko was too busy watching the mosquito. Then, snap! The mosquito was gone.

'I like you Gecko,' I said. 'You can be my pet and my pest control.'

Gecko is about 20 cm long. There is another one here too. It is about 30 cm long. It said that its name is Gecko too. This is confusing for an old Grandpa who is 30 for the second time.

One of my neighbours also has lizards for pets. His lizards are much bigger than mine. See the second picture. He has more lizards than me. He keeps them in a swimming pool in his yard.

Maybe if you come to stay with me I could take you to visit. Do you think you would like to swim in his pool?

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