Love from Grandpa

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Monkey trick

When I feed my dog too much she is a very fussy eater. Dingo only eats what she really likes. If I don't feed her so much she is happy to eat vegetables and rice. But maybe I was tricked.

When I feed her at night, sometimes she eats what she likes and leaves the vegetables and rice behind. Maybe they will still be there the next morning. I don't feed her again until I come back from the market around lunch time. Often when I come back the rice and veges are gone. Do you think she ate them? That's what I thought.

One morning I was leaving to go to the market. When I got to the gate, I noticed the monkey was sitting on the fence. I wondered if it would let me get close to it. I left my bicycle at the gate and walked up to it and stopped about 60 cm from it. I didn't get closer in case it bit or scratched me. I'm a little bit brave but not too brave.

I thought the monkey might be frightened of me and run away but it didn't. It sat on top of the fence and we stared at each other for a few minutes. Then I decided to leave it and go to the market.

After I'd gone through the gate I noticed the monkey had come down on our side of the fence and was heading for the front stairs. I decided to stay and watch.

When it got to the top of the stairs it sat on the verandah rail for a while. Dingo stood there looking at it but she didn't get too close.

Then the monkey got down onto the verandah and went over to check what was in Dingo's bowl. This day there was nothing, so the monkey went back to the verandah rail, sat for a minute and then went back down the steps and over the fence.

So maybe, Dingo is like the spirits. Maybe she doesn't eat her food either. Maybe the monkey does. What do you think?

love from your Granddad

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