Love from Grandpa

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Prince Benny

Originally uploaded by smelanie.

Once upon a time there was an extremely handsome prince named David who fell in love with an extremely beautiful princess named Alison. They loved each other extremely. So they made an extremely handsome, lovable and wonderful baby who they named Prince Benny.

Now Benny had a special power. He had the power to tame extremely fierce and dangerous, fire-breathing dragons with an extremely powerful ingredient – love. Before Prince Benny, all the knights thought the only way to defeat dragons was by killing them but Benny showed that love is more powerful than the sword. And now, thanks to Prince Benny, dragons and humans are able to live together in peace. Unfortunatly humans can't always live in peace with other humans but that's another story.

So, if you have a dragon in your life that is giving you trouble just ask Prince Benny for an extremely lovely hug and you'll have all the love you need to tame the dragon. If you're a girl, that's cool, because Prince Benny especially likes hugging girls – extremely so.

Today is a special day because today Prince Benny celebrates his 9th birthday. All the dragons in the world have asked me to send Benny extremely hot greetings ('cause they breathed on them) for Ben to have an extremely happy and dragonlightful birthday. May you get many hugs today Ben, especially from girls.

The End

PS The extremely handsome Grandpa John sends his love and a hug too.
PPS Grandpa John can now travel safely among the dragons of Malaysia thanks to Benny's special power.
PPPS If any girls try to hug you Ben, just imagine it's a dragon and you'll be cool.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Greetings from KL

Hello again to all my dear grandchildren. I had a wonderful time meeting you all again and meeting Chloe and Isaac for the first time. Now I won't see you again for a long time but I think of you often. I will write to you here whenever I can. At the moment I can't show you any pictures as I need to buy a new computer first.

It's a pity because right now I am staying in Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur (KL) and there are many dragons. Maybe you would like to visit here one day and see for yourself. Are you brave enough?

Kuala Lumpur is in Malaysia. Perhaps your Mum or Dad can show you where that is in an atlas.

Love from your Grandpa

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