Love from Grandpa

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Like a bite?

Can you see what this is?

It is a pile of big black spiders. It's OK, they won't bite. They are dead and they are cooked. Yes, some people in Cambodia eat them.

I didn't taste one. Would you?

love from Grandad

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A very long trip

On Saturday night I went to the airport in Sydney. I got on a plane and went on a long trip.

The plane flew right across Australia but I could not see very much because it was dark. It kept flying until it reached a country called Malaysia.

In Malaysia I got off the plane in a city called Kuala Lumpur. Now it was Sunday. I did not stay there because I had somewhere else to go. I waited a long time and got on another plane.

It took me to a country called Cambodia and we landed in a city called Phnom Penh. That is where I am now. I took this photo in Phnom Penh. Do you know what this creature is called?

Visit to Katoomba

Before I left to go back to Asia I took a trip to visit Ben and Zack (and their Dad) at Katoomba. I had a lovely time with them and I'm so glad I made the trip as I probably won't see them again for a long time.

We did some stories together and played a few games. In the first photo you can see Ben & Zack playing with Lego. The second picture is their Dad, David, at the front of their house.

I look forward to seeing you again boys but I don't know when that will be.

love from your Grandpa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hungry spider

There are lots of spider webs around this house. The spiders are very busy catching insects. This one has caught a praying mantis and now it is eating it.

love Grandpa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy birthday Iz

Today is a very special day because Izmaillah is now five. Izmaillah, I want you to know that you are always special to me no matter how old you are.

I don't know when I will see you again. Soon I will go to another country. But you can always come here and there will be messages from me to you.

Have a very happy day and enjoy being five for a whole year.

Lots of love from your Grandad

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dirty skinks

These lizards are called skinks. You have probably seen many small skinks about 3 or 4 cm long. These are about 20 cm long.

They live outside the back door. I like them except for one thing.

They think this house is their toilet. They come in and poo on the floor in the laundry or kitchen.

Dirty skinks!

I like to keep the door open to let the breeze through. How can I keep them out of the house?

love from Grandad

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Strange creature

When I was in outer space, I met this creature. It was 20 metres tall. I said to it, 'I'm a human and I eat rice. What do you eat?'

It said, 'I eat humans.'

No, just kidding. Actually it was only 20 cm long and I found it on Grandma's passionfruit vine. And it didn't say anything. Then it crawled onto a dead part of the vine and disappeared.

love from your Grandad

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Woodford dragon

Do you like dragons? Here is a photo of one I found at the Woodford Folk Festival. Why do you think it's leaping in the air like that? Perhaps it burnt its own feet. No one seems to be scared of it, do they.

love from your Grandpa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Many faces

This is a Chinese woman named Anna Chau. She has many masks. She changes them right in front of you. She is so quick that you don't see her do it. One second she looks like this. And the next she looks different.

Imagine if she was your mother. She could put on an angry mask when you were naughty, a happy mask when you were good and a scary mask when you were really naughty. Maybe you would forget what she really looks like.

I put some more photos of her on Grandpa's travel pictures. Which one do you like best?

Love from Grandpa

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