Love from Grandpa

Saturday, September 26, 2009

These are my students

I teach English two days a week at a primary school in Mahasarakham. I have three different classes. They are grade 4, grade 5 and grade 6. Can you tell which is which? Can you pick which one in the pictures is your grandfather?

love from your Granddad

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Magic top

I went to a science fair at the university. In one display they had this spinning top. It's quite small. The guy got it spinning on top of a piece of hard plastic that he was holding above the table. When he moved the plastic away, the top kept spinning in the air. Magic?

love from Grandpa

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Life in Mahasarakham

I went to visit a village in Mahasarakham province and took this photo to show you how the people live. This is a house. In the daytime, the cattle go out in the fields and eat the grass. In the night time the cattle come and stay under the house. The big pot is for keeping water in. There are no taps and they collect water off the roof when it rains. Do you think you would like to live in a house like this?

love from your Granddad

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