Love from Grandpa

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Drying the laundry

Hey, how do you dry the laundry at your house? Most Australian homes have a clothes line. When I lived in Bangkok I had to hang my washing on the verandah. It was so hot that the clothes usually dried very quickly. In India many people climb onto their roof and spread the washing out to dry.

I was able to take this photo because I was staying in the mountains and the hills are very steep. I was on a road above the roof of these houses.

Hope your clothes are dry.

love from Granddad

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

An Indian house

Do you like your house? Would you like to live in a house like this? This is not a cubby house. This is a real house. A whole Indian family lives in it. They don't have much in their house but they have a great view.

Would you like to live there? The hills are very steep and in winter it gets very cold.

love from your Granddad

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Please mister, buy a paper

This girl is maybe just a couple of years older than Ben. We were in a taxi in Delhi. When the taxi stopped at the lights she came to the window with a newspaper to sell. She pressed her face against the window and did not leave until the lights changed. Maybe she thought that the foreigner would like to buy a newspaper more than the Indian people in the other cars.

At many of the traffic lights in Delhi there are kids, often younger than this girl, who are selling something: a newspaper or magazine, a toy, some incense. Some kids will do acrobatics. Some kids have nothing to sell and nothing to do. They just hold their hands out and beg. They do this because they need money to buy food for themselves and their families. Some of them never go to school.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008


In India I went to stay in the mountains. In Australia we don't get very high mountains. The highest mountain in Australia (do you know what it's called?) is only like a big hill in India. When I was staying at a hotel in the mountains I had some visitors. Here is one of them.

I asked this guy if I could take his picture and he didn't say anything. So I took it anyway. He didn't seem to mind. Maybe if you went to India he could be your friend but I don't think so because sometimes monkeys bite.

love from your Granddad

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Share the food

In India there are many people who don't have enough food to eat. Some people still have some to spare and share it with the pigeons. I saw these pigeons having a feed in Delhi. I don't think the food was meant for dogs but this guy didn't want the birds to get it all.

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Another cool trike

In Thailand they have three-wheel taxis called tuk-tuks. In India they have them too, well they are very similar to the ones in Thailand. In India they are called auto rickshaws or autos. I have been riding in these while I am in India. There is a lot of traffic in many Indian cities and these little guys can zip into spaces where cars don't fit. But the traffic fumes are very bad. Sometimes I cover my face with my hat so I don't have to breathe the fumes.

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